Meaning of tareree{panee par tairanevala chihna},tareri{pani par tairanevala chihna} in english

Interpreting tareree{panee par tairanevala chihna},tareri{pani par tairanevala chihna} - तरेरी{पानी पर तैरनेवाला चिह्न}
As noun :
buoy Ex:  Marine Cable holding one end anchored and the other to a buoy
Suggested : Nautical a distinctively shaped and marked float, sometimes carrying a signal or signals, anchored to mark a channel, anchorage, navigational hazard, etc, or to provide a mooring place away from the shore
Exampleतरेरी{पानी पर तैरनेवाला चिह्न} का हिन्दी मे अर्थ

Word of the day
tareree{panee par tairanevala chihna},tareri{pani par tairanevala chihna} can be used as noun.. No of characters: 30 including consonants matras. Transliteration : tarerii{paanii para tairanevaalaa chihna}

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